Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Looking for a way out

Looking for a way out of this lost-ness. Need an action plan, that I wont have doubts about. (boy, is that going to take a miracle! )

Looking back at my proposal structure ( when talking to Mr. Ravindra he expressed surprise when i told him i was lost because he seemed to remember the action plan in my proposal to be quite well structured, so i decided to start there) :


1)To categorise the various spaces based upon my own pre-conceived notions.
For example:
a)Economic variations and their expressions
b)Cultural variations.
c)Based on the functions of the spaces: residential, commercial, transitory, industrial, common interests/hobby platforms etc.
d)Based on the perceived symbolisms of the spaces: spaces that symbolise the past, the present, the future of the city.
e)Based on pre-conceived archetypes of spaces and people: youth oriented, spaces for senior citizens, related to economic/social/ religious/cultural status.
f)Virtual spaces.

2)To go out with these notions and through
b)Interviews with a variety of people: experts, inhabitants, outsiders

Question, explore, expand and redefine my own notions of identity in these spaces.

To create an exercise of participative subjective mapping with this audience of people in order to chart/ map out the city in terms of the expression of its various identities and spaces.

3)Through this mapping document and study the visual language of these individual spaces, in order to:
a)Find patterns, icons, and symbolic and typical visual elements, of each space and comparatively study the visual languages of various spaces in order to discern similarities and differences, common patterns and elements.
b)Look at the discourse of the visual language in these spaces.
c)Discern the various layers, horizontals and verticals of visual language in these spaces.
d)Try and decode and build on a visual language that could be used effectively to communicate in these spaces and across different spaces.

4)To create dialogue regarding identity in spaces using various visual
Media such as:
a)Small scale installations

In the capacity of Public art,
- As a spectacle, so as to create reactions and dialogue.
- The pieces could also be participative or subject to change in the environment that they are inserted in so as to self-document reactions of the people as well as the space itself.
- To treat the public space as a studio environment where a piece of work is built and evolves with inputs from the space itself. i.e. where I as an artist could make a piece of work and let it be subject to interaction and change in the public space and bring it back and make this an ongoing process.

To look at the possibility of using commonly known metaphors and analogies (such as those derived from mythology and popular culture) as another level of common vocabulary in carrying out this dialogue.

5) To document these artworks, reactions and processes. Collate.

It seems to make more sense to me now than it did when i wrote it. But i still have questions as to where and why there. need to answer these questions asap, once and for all. timeline coming up soon.

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