Sunday, September 5, 2010

new things to look at

Kerrie Jane Stritton: Illustrator

Hand-made art books. Illustration, Collage, Urban landscapes.
to see work click here


Lucinda Rogers: Illustrator

Her work has us looking at cities in new ways, capturing intimate scenes of people and architecture. Each illustration beams Lucinda’s eye catching style created with a mixture of pen and ink and watercolour.

Lucinda’s work focuses heavily on the idea of ‘Reportage’ – illustrations intended to give an account of observed or documented events. In her talk she will be exploring this idea through her illustrations of London and New York.

Dulwich OnView put a few questions to Lucinda….

DOV: What is the concept behind your illustrations?

LR: I take inspiration from what I see around me and wish to record and reveal aspects of life particularly in cities, and places that might be hidden from view or disappearing. The drawings are in pen and ink with some colour, and done entirely on site, not in a studio.

DOV: What is your background and how did you start producing your style of illustration?

LR: I went through art school at St Martin’s (first degree) and Edinburgh College of Art (postgraduate) where I studied illustration for 4 years in total. I began doing freelance illustration work as soon as I left college and after a time started to do ‘reportage’ illustration: being sent to places to draw, for newspapers and commercial clients. Outside commercial illustration work I started drawing scenes of New York which continued over a long period of time.

DOV: Do you have a favourite piece in your collection?

LR: A favourite piece is a view of Spitalfields in East London showing a small hidden house and a dairy between the backs of two streets, with a view over the roofs towards the City and a skyline that is now no longer the same.


A project called: Mis-guide

A series of maps that map the city based on local inhabitant's and everyday experiences.


Peter Arkle : Illustrator

Everyday events and things become news -drawn in detail- reportage.

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